Facilities photography for small business
Whatever your requirement, be it a web image, brochure images a "product" shot or an application image, we can help. We can work at your establishment with the minimum of fuss and equipment to get the job done. Always mindful of the time to enable you or your staff to quickly return to their normal task. We supply digital and printed results as required, framed wall hung. Museum glass can be supplied to your specification.
Client requirements SilverSalt Restoration Ltd.
- The Silversalt Restoration business required a view of their "KIT" rather than a list which would lack in visual impact
- Minimal distruption to the working environment
- Staff undertaking their daily tasks in a natural environment.
- Images should offer clarity to the equipment available in this specialised business
Project Gallery
Click to thumbnails below to view larger image.
Common Objectives
- Creative images
- Imply a full service facility
- Show the scope of facilities
Client Feedback
Exactly what we were after. Minimum fuss and intervention and a series of mages fit for purpose on the first shoot!
SilverSalt Restoration. London.
Client requirements FCS Limited
- Within the scope of this project we carried out photography on location, provided a people and photography shoot plan. Final image were used for the FCS website and included the photography of company equipment and the portrait photos of the partners.
- Series of facilities available to staff during the working day.
- Staff undertaking their daily tasks in a natural environment.
- Images should not look staged.
Project Gallery
Click to thumbnails below to view larger image.
Common Objectives
- Not "photoshopped"
- Realistic day to day images
- Real customer sites
Client Feedback
The work was carrid out on a weekend to minimise the impact on our clients and the staff routines. No fuss, just well planned and a full portfolio of images now available to us.
FCS Limited. Surrey.