Brockham Village weekend

Once again Harlequuin Creative have been asked to support the Brockham Village weekend event with design and supply of the program. We of course were delighted to assist and help the event which runs like clockwork.

The brochure we design and organise each year can be a challenge! trying to get all the information within 4 pages, adding images taken at the previous years event, and making sure we get all the information in without forgetting anyone or event takes care and attention. A project we love and its great to give back to the community.


This is an annual event which is run entirely by volunteers who give up their time to make this a great success. People work tirelessly behind the scenes for weeks getting the organisation sorted with bands, Wi Fi, Fairground attractions, dog shows and live bands throughout the saturday culminating with a disco.

If Harlequin Creative can assist in your brochure or leaflet give us a call or use our contact form to see how we might help.