Design for print

Brochure, leaflet or document wallet, creative design and quality print is essential and we can help

Whether your requirement is for a brochure, leaflet, banner stand or a large format poster, there are a lot of things to consider, not the least being the DPI (dots per inch) of the photos and images or the text (font) you like. Design for print is more than writing text in a WordTM Document. Each task has elements that cross over but also structures and layouts that are required tio get high quality reproducible results. Just think about what black means to a printer? is it 100% K (black) or is it a rich black? do we need RGB or CMYK. What colourspace were the images taken in? We can help advise on these isues and do our utmost best to ensure quality from the start.


To set a document correctly for print is more than just layout and looking pretty. There is a host of decisions to be made, some are listed below but the one thing that needs to be consistent is the style, brand, and font.

Powerful programs such as Quark or Adobe are freely available as are programs such as Apple's own "Pages" which gives the user more and more options to layout the document for the printers.

It should be noted that behind the scenes a professionaly laid out document is set up in a manner that can save hour upon hour of style changes or document update; for instance, did you know that you can change the colour, size, font and a miriad of other things on typography with one click of a button? What about the master elements that make up a template or a brand style on every page? These are often styled on a a page by page basis... not necessarily wrong but when it changes every page has to be re-worked costing time and money.


Next time you pick up a business card take a long hard look, ask a few questions of yourself

  • Can I read it
  • Is the colour and font legible
  • Is it too small for visually challenged customers
  • Does the contact details fall cleanly and easy to find or does the normal holding of the card in the finger and thumb obscure information
  • When you get back to the office will you now what the business does after you have collected a handful of cards at an event?

The list goes on but these are questions we ask with every document not just business cards. "ARE THEY FIT FOR PURPOSE"

Doing the job correctly first time saves money. If you think we can help then give us a call or use our contact form

Project Gallery

Click to thumbnails below to view larger image.


Core design criteria

  • Master pages set up
  • Paragraph and Grepe styles
  • Correctly stylised tables
  • Slug and bleed set to allow correct overprint and trim
  • Photos optomised for size and print layout.
  • resizing for repurposing artwork
  • Optomised .PDF's for print requirements

Get in touch

Are you looking for a one-stop solution to your Sales and Marketing? Need clear guidence and a quality desin for ptint?  We may just have the solution, why not contact us to see how we can help.

Use our contact form Here.