sbusy guy looking worried trying to get business growth

From Start-Up to SME
We have the experience to help.

Thinking of starting a new business, or perhaps need a hand to grow? We are here to help.

Harlequin Creative Limited have extensive experience of working with businesses through their first years of trading and onwards to strong growth. We have helped new businesses identify and address the critical areas of activity that create early growth and make businesses sustainable.

Even the smallest business needs a marketing strategy and business plan. It need not be complex, but it needs to be defined and adhered to; changes only made when they are clear and planned for a direct outcome. Let Harlequin Creative Limited help you evaluate your marketing options to identify the most cost effective route, and define your strategy as a series of steps that you can take as your business develops.

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Slaes graph plot

Sales, impossible targets?
"Sales are going well but accounts keep telling me that its not enough"

Sales - How many times do we hear managers and staff complaining about impossible targets, not hitting targets, dreading the next sales meeting? All so often comments such as "sales are going well but accounts/my manager, keeps telling me that its not enough"?

We could go on with a number of scenarios, but lets start with a couple of questions; is it actually the sale that is the problem? Perhaps payment on outstanding invoices hasn't been tracked, did the sales person actually do the calculations and understand the profitability of the offer being made, is that information being supplied by accounts, is the price list configured correctly and so on and so on. If you are unsure about any of these issues or feel your sales team do not know the answers then give us a call for an informal chat to see how we can help.

We have been engaged by companies with in-excess of a million pound turnover where sales directors and or staff have increased sales by more than 20% in a year only to find the company situation declining not improving. Sound familiar? We think we can help, why not call to see how we might assist with putting in place systems or offer training that could mean the difference between decline or growth.

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the planning tools

The business plan; the critical component
New market? new business? large or small a clear plan is critical.

SThe Business plan is of critical importance yet so often start-ups and small businesses fail to take this crucial step on there way to growing their own business. As many would have heard or read, failing to plan is planning to fail and expert, experienced advice can help to get your new business off the starting blocks and working towards profit quickly.

This success and profit requires the owners and the directors to understand who the customers are, their business strengths and that of the competition; how will the business successfully compete and what weaknesses and threats need to be managed.
How will the business cope with the expected expansion, are they entering the correct markets and are they fit for purpose?

The business plan provides investors and your key managers a clear insight into the business and assist in making a request to the bank or your investors for finance.
There is a clear set of requirements for the business plan yet each plan is unique to the individual business. A clear passion for the business is insufficient and a clear defined layout covering key issues will serve to take the business forward. In many cases the Directors of the business can often find areas of agreement but more often than not they will disagree, so again, the clear outcome brings all to the same direction.

A clear objective, critical and focused approach is required, the finished plan is a mechanism to help manage your business and enable you to achieve greater success.

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Sales and Marketing getting the boss down

Starting a New Business?
Need a helping hand to grow?

We can help. Contact us here

The challenges surrounding a start-up or a young business can be quite daunting, many people come from larger organisations where they have had the support of specialists around them in each of the fields required to run a business. As a start up, this lack of assistance and information can create a feeling of isolation, we know, we have been there. A major challenge is the Sales and Marketing, from the sales aspect the new business is often run by someone with a passion for the service or product but not a trained sales professional; why not give us a call for a free informal chat about how we can help you bridge that gap and get you on the right track.

Marketing isn't just about an expensive ad, or that one off brochure that you could spend your last bit of capital on. From the very start the humble business card is your first introduction, is yours giving the correct message and does it make sense?

Have a look through your collection of cards from contacts you have made, just how many of them state what the company does? Can you remember? Does it have impact? Just take a moment to think... if this isn't working why is anything else going to work. Harlequin can help guide you through and work in partnership to successfully create an awareness that will last. Give us a call or mail us, it won't cost you the earth and you may well find the returns far outway the costs.

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